La update subong. :))

Featured Video: the Bieberiffic, Biebericious, BUSTIN JIEBER!

Boys Over Flowers Episode 4

>> June 1, 2009

May 14, 2009


About This Blog

This Blog is created to unite all DRAGONS(CSA-B Batch 2008-2009) around the globe. In order for us to communicate to each other not only through the means of YM, friendster, facebook or any interactive programs. This is made to inform the batch of what's the latest news and events that we are celebrating. It also shares the current news and updates not only nationwide but worldwide.

The Photos and Videos in this Blog belongs to their respective owners, Videos and Photos are only posted just for blogging purposes. We don't host any of the videos that are available on this website. We only provide links to them or post the video embed codes here.

-Kai Sei Lin

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Anybody can join in this blog just PM me your email address so that I can add you here. There are currently 4 subscribers that are a member in this site:
1. Joedim Magallano
2. Stephanie ALmajo
3. Louie JOhn Oceja
4. Louie Mae Chu

When you are a member or administrator, you can immediately post any article that you like or you think that could interest many people (except for Pornographic Materials).

-Kai Sei Lin

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